The world's strongest antioxidant
Revolutionize your drinking water with a simple tap
The world's smartest antioxidant
Revolutionize your drinking water with a simple tap
  • 1. Fill up with water

    Fill the bottle with water.

  • 2. Press the button

    Press the button 2 times. Molecular hydrogen begins to form.

  • 3. Experience the world's smartest antioxidant

    Enjoy a therapeutic level of molecular hydrogen in the water (5000 PPB).

Nord Hydrogen opening offer

After several years of preparation, Nord Hydrogen is finally started. We celebrate this by offering a very strong discount of 29€.

This offer will never be repeated, so grab it while it lasts!

  • Deep Space Blue

  • Horizon Black

Meet molecular hydrogen

Meet molecular hydrogen (H2), the world's smallest molecule.

The H2 molecules can get into our cells in a way that ordinary water can only dream of.

And once there , they provide more energy to the cells and reduce oxidative stress, which is a culprit behind aging and disease.

The therapy is medically recognized in Japan and has over 1500+ scientific studies behind it.

Studies have shown that hydrogen has effects on almost all organs and over 31 disease categories, especially those affected by oxidative stress and inflammation.

Read about the research

That's how it works:

  1. Electrolysis: When you start the bottle, a process begins where electrical current breaks down water (H2O) into its basic components - hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O).

    In the water, several billions of small, tiny H2 molecules are now formed. Bubbles appear in the water, which is the molecular hydrogen we want.

  2. 10 minutes later: You now have a therapeutic amount of molecular hydrogen in the water. When you drink the water, you ingest the dissolved hydrogen.

  3. Safe and simple: The bottle ensures that everything goes safely. No cloudy gases or chemicals are released. Just pure, wholesome hydrogen water straight to your thirsty body!

Here's how it helps:

  1. Picks its battles wisely: H2 only takes out the really harmful radicals and leaves the good ones alone.

    Imagine sorting out the rotten apples and keeping the good ones.

  2. Gets everywhere: Because of its size, hydrogen can sneak into all the nooks and crannies of cells, including where other antioxidants can't reach.
  3. Gives your cells a gym card: Not only does hydrogen fight the bad guys head-on, it also helps your cells strengthen their own defenses.

The effects? Less stress, happier cells. When molecular hydrogen reduces oxidative stress, your cells become healthier and you reduce the risk of disease. It's a bit like having a superpower that keeps you healthy and strong.

How to get this super substance?

Drinking hydrogen-enriched water is a simple method. Think of it as your daily dose of superpower - a simple act with big benefits.

So, by integrating molecular hydrogen into your routine, you can give your cells the guardianship they deserve. It's a small thing you can do that has a big effect on your health.

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1500+ studies have been able to show:

Scientifically proven benefits

Positive effect on almost all organs

A compilation of 321 scientific articles found that molecular hydrogen has positive

Effect on over 31 disease categories

Anti aging properties

Molecular hydrogen (H2) is like a superhero for your skin and aging. Think of it as an invisible shield that protects against the invisible villains – free radicals. 🦸‍♂️✨

  • Fights wrinkles: H2 takes the fight to the nasty free radicals that want to make your skin look older. It's like having a personal bodyguard for your cells. 🛡️
  • Protects your complexion: It keeps your skin safe from damage that can lead to lines and sagging.
  • Keeps skin young: By counteracting inflammation and protecting against oxidative stress, H2 helps keep your skin looking young and fresh.

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Time and again, studies have shown that molecular hydrogen has properties that reduce oxidative stress.

Here is a quote from a study conducted in 2021

"H2 may be superior to other antioxidants because it can selectively reduce OH radicals while sparing important ROS that are otherwise used for normal cellular signaling.

Strengthens the immune system

Molecular hydrogen (H2) offers an exciting benefit for improving the immune system. By regulating inflammation and reducing oxidative stress, H2 can help balance the body's defense mechanisms.

Read more about the research here

Protects Brain Health

  • Hydrogen takes fights against the harmful free radicals. Think of it as a bodyguard for brain cells, helping to protect them from damage that has been shown to lead to diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • Reduces inflammation. Too much inflammation in the brain is not good, and hydrogen helps keep it in check.
  • Protects your brain cells from cell death. When cells are stressed, they can give up, but hydrogen can tell them to hang on a little longer.
  • Boosts the cells' energy. Hydrogen ensures that the brain cells get the energy they need to function at their peak.
  • Helps the brain recover from damage. After a stroke, hydrogen can reduce damage and speed recovery.

Improves Muscle Recovery

Internationally, molecular hydrogen has become really popular among elite performance athletes.

There are several studies you can take a look at, a study conducted on elite athletes showed that consuming hydrogen-enriched water reduced blood lactate levels and improved muscle function after exercise, indicating an effective reduction of muscle fatigue.

Read more here.

Experience the difference

North Hydrogen


European company and support 🇪🇺

Therapeutic level of molecular hydrogen

Removes ozone gas and fluoride

Certified by H2 Analytics

Stable hydrogen production
(Doesn't lose its effect after a few months like most others)

BPA free material

CE & RoHS certified


What is the difference between your bottle and your competitors?

1. Therapeutic level of molecular hydrogen

The Nord hydrogen bottle produces 5000 PPB after a 10 minute cycle.

There is a difference between marketed effect and actual effect. There are several fancy bottles from Wish / Temu that claim a 5000 PPB effect. This is an outright lie.

We have submitted our bottle to H2 Analytics. There, the bottle was tested in several extensive tests. and also confirmed the effect of 5000 PPB.

2. Security profile

The bottle uses high-quality materials for optimal performance and safety.

It contains a DuPont 117 SPE/PEM membrane, known for its efficiency in producing pure hydrogen water.

The electrodes are made of 99.9% pure titanium with a surface coating of platinum to ensure efficient and sustainable hydrogen production.

The bottle body is made of Makrolon, a robust and durable material that can withstand high pressure and long-term use, eliminating the risk of leakage and damage.

Choosing a cheaper bottle can involve risks such as contamination, reduced efficiency, and safety risks due to lower quality materials and construction. Our bottle's construction and material selection guarantee safe and reliable use over time.

How is it possible that the bottle produces so much hydrogen compared to the competition?

When it comes to producing hydrogen gas, the Nord Väteflaskan really has an edge over the competition. The secret? Well, it's about how it handles the pressure created when hydrogen is produced. And here comes the key: The Nord Hydrogen bottle is made of Makrolon. 🚀

Why is this so special then? Makrolon is not just any material. It is widely used out there in the world for things that need to be both safe and durable – think food contacts and medical equipment.

Its ability to withstand wear and tear is out of this world, meaning our bottle can handle the enormous pressure that hydrogen production creates, without giving way.

So, thanks to Makrolon, the Nord Hydrogen Bottle can produce more hydrogen safely and efficiently compared to other bottles on the market. This is the key to why it delivers so much more of those health-boosting bubbles to your water.

Is the bottle available in glass?

No, the bottle is only available in BPA-free Makrolon plastic.

Makrolon is widely known for its chemical resistance and is widely used in food contact and medical applications due to its safety profile.

The use of Makrolon plastic in our hydrogen bottle is critical to its ability to withstand the high pressure created inside the bottle when filled with molecular hydrogen. A glass bottle would not be able to handle such pressure without the risk of cracking or breaking into a thousand pieces.

This structural limitation with glass makes it unsuitable for this type of use.

Additionally, hydrogen bottles that use glass tend to produce very low amounts of molecular hydrogen, meaning they are not therapeutically effective.

Our use of Makrolon plastic ensures not only the safety and durability of the bottle, but also its ability to effectively deliver therapeutic amounts of molecular hydrogen.

How fast do I have to drink the water?

Aim to drink it within about 15 to 30 minutes of it being produced.

This time window helps ensure that you get as much of the dissolved hydrogen gas as possible, before it starts to disappear into the air.

If you drink the water directly, you can be sure that you are getting an optimal amount of the beneficial molecular hydrogen molecules.

How often should I drink the water?

How often you should drink hydrogen water can depend on your personal health goals and needs. There is no "one-size-fits-all" recommendation, but many experts and existing studies suggest that consuming hydrogen water regularly throughout the day can have positive health effects.

To effectively integrate hydrogen water into your daily routine, consider the following guidelines:

  • Start the Day: Start with a glass of hydrogen water in the morning to wake up the body and kick-start your hydration.
  • Before and After Exercise: Drink hydrogen water before and after exercise to promote recovery and reduce fatigue and muscle damage.
  • Between Meals: A glass of hydrogen water between meals can keep you hydrated and may even promote a feeling of fullness, which can be helpful for weight management.
  • Before Sleeping: A glass of hydrogen water shortly before going to bed can help reduce oxidative stress during the night.

Again, it's important to listen to your body and adjust your intake based on how you feel. Some people may notice benefits from just a couple of glasses a day, while others prefer to drink more. If in doubt, start slowly and increase your intake gradually to see how your body reacts.

Are you a European company?

Yes! Nord Hydrogen is based in Sweden.

What is the difference between molecular hydrogen and hydrogen water?

No, they are not quite the same thing. Molecular hydrogen (H2) is a gas consisting of two hydrogen atoms. When this gas dissolves in water, it becomes hydrogen water. So, hydrogen water is water enriched with molecular hydrogen. Both have therapeutic effects, however.

Is hydrogen water dangerous?

No, hydrogen water itself is not considered dangerous.

However, it is important to choose the right equipment to ensure that you ingest it safely.

Not all bottles are created equal – some cheap options from places like Temu or Wish may not meet safety standards and may actually be risky to use. (Can produce ozone gas and fluoride)

For your safety, invest in a hydrogen water bottle with a solid safety profile. A good rule of thumb is to choose bottles that use the DuPont 117 membrane, known for its high quality and safety. Nord Hydrogen is an example of a brand that uses this membrane, ensuring that you are not only getting clean and safe hydrogen water but also investing in a product that is built to last. So, stay away from the gimmicks and invest in something that truly protects your health and well-being.

I have seen that some bottles have a breathing function, why don't you?

There are important reasons why the Nord Hydrogen Bottle does not have a breathing function.

Two ways to ingest molecular hydrogen:

  1. Drinking hydrogen water - This is the simplest method, where you consume hydrogen dissolved in water.
  2. Using an inhaler - This requires a significantly stronger concentration of hydrogen to be effective.

Why no inhalation function on our bottle?

  • Therapeutic dose: For inhalation of hydrogen to be therapeutically effective, a concentration of at least 150 ml/l is required.
  • Lack of efficiency in bottles: Most bottles on the market, including other brands that claim to provide inhalation functions, produce hydrogen concentrations of only 2-3 ml/l . This is far from therapeutic level and usually proves ineffective.

What are the consequences?

  • Many products are sold with misleading information and deliver no actual therapeutic effect when inhaled. 😕

What is the alternative?

  • Proper inhalation equipment: To inhale hydrogen in therapeutic doses, one needs a much more powerful machine than a portable bottle. These systems usually start at prices around SEK 20,000 .

In short, that's why the Nord Hydrogen Bottle focuses on delivering high-quality hydrogen water safely and efficiently, without the misleading claims that many other products have. We believe in transparency and actual health benefits! 🌟

Is it true that a bottle of hydrogen water is equivalent to the same amount of antioxidants as 600 apples?

The claim that "1 bottle of hydrogen water contains the same antioxidant amount as 600 apples" is not correct and can be seen as a marketing gimmick rather than a fact-based truth.

To understand why this claim is misleading, we need to dive a little deeper into how antioxidants and ORAC values ​​work, as well as what molecular hydrogen actually is.

ORAC values:
ORAC, which stands for "Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity", is a method that was previously used to measure the antioxidant capacity of foods and other substances. However, this method is considered by many, including the United States Department of Agriculture, to be insufficient to accurately measure antioxidant capacity. This is because many bioactive compounds and biomolecules in food have therapeutic and protective effects that are not necessarily linked to their ability to absorb free radicals.

The unique role of molecular hydrogen:
Molecular hydrogen (H2) does not work like traditional antioxidants. Instead of directly neutralizing a large amount of free radicals, H2 helps regulate the body's own antioxidant systems. This means that H2 can stimulate the body's production of endogenous antioxidants and thus provide more effective protection against oxidative stress. This mechanism is completely different from the traditional view of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals directly.

Comparing hydrogen water to a large amount of fruit based on their antioxidant values ​​through ORAC is misleading. It does not highlight the unique way in which H2 works in the body. In fact, the claim of the 600 apples comparison not only demonstrates a lack of understanding of the true functions of molecular hydrogen, but also risks diminishing other significant health benefits that hydrogen water can offer. For a more genuine and scientifically based appreciation of hydrogen water's potential, it is important to focus on how it modulates antioxidant responses and contributes to biological benefits at the cellular level.

Can you ingest too much molecular hydrogen?

At the time of writing, there is no research to suggest that you can ingest too much molecular hydrogen.

Fun facts:
Since the 1940s, deep divers have used almost pure H2 gas in their diving tubes. They have inhaled incredible amounts of molecular hydrogen and no ill effects have been detected.